Title-less post

Having decided not to go home during the winter, I stay back in the hostel. most of my friend has gone home except for some few of us and winter has just begun to take its toll on us with its coldness(fog and occasional cold breeze). While many of my batchmates stayed back for preparation of GATE exam and some ISRO etc etc. My days here be like waking up around 5am but since its cold stay up in bed till 8:30 am, then goes for breakfast and come back watch some youtube videos, movies, games(mobile legends) and scrolling through social networking. When at 1:00 pm goes for lunch and continue the same till dinner and it goes on till I fell asleep. Whatever my intention had been earlier for not going home it's all how I have been spending my time so far. Not that I have forgotten my intention of staying back but when I open up books to study, nothing sort of seriousness is there and my focusing power has reduced greatly. This has deterred me from actually openi...