God love Sinners but despise Sin.

An intruding concept yet beautiful and encouraging. Can this be of relevant in our day to day life.. Like if somebody does harm to me, can I still love that person?? How can I still love the person and at same time despise his action?? How can a person act be separated from the person himself?? There's not simple answer to it and I don't find myself fitting to answer all this but just a reflection about it in my words.

I use to have an attitude "Either you are with me or against me" extremely as it is. Either black or white and neither grey nor other colour at all, which is absolutely false even in color world. I find it really hard to comprehend what this really meant.. Like when we commit a mistake we generally excuse ourselves saying being of flesh and blood or just say being human. But hardly we consider it that way when someone does something wrong to us. We will look and find it that the person did intentionally most of time..

What is most intruding to me of the line is that we should love the person who make the mistakes. How is it possible to Love at all !! Example being when your loved one shattered you by cheating on you. The definition and meaning of Love change and we regret even loving the person in first place. Moreoftenly than not we find ourselves judging other through what we hear from other, their appearance or their reactions and fail to put ourselves in their place..

Maybe in this world of doubts and hatred God is telling us to Love without condition. That unconditional love not excluding the love to correct the mistake the person has committed. As personally for self, it's a way God telling me that i got to be more understanding and mature in dealing with the mistake other make and continue to love them as much as he (God) loves a sinner me.


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