Improbable dreams seller in times of Pandemics: Multi-Level Marketing

Suppose one fine day a friends call you up and says that he/she started working in a company. He/she went on to narrates that people in his/her company are earning huge sum of money, moreover their companies are gifting out cars, and are sponsoring foreign trips to them. He/she then proceeded to ask you to join him/her in their company. Further he/she told you that, you only had to register from them, find more people to join their company and sells some products monthly. Should you accept his/her proposal and join the company?? Lets find out more.
Basically, your friends is asking you to join and be a part of a Multi-Level Marketing or MLM business. So what is an MLM you might ask?? A Multi-Level Marketing or MLM, is a type of business where the company only sells their product through distributor like in this case your friends and you if you join, without an actual shops.The company won't pay you money directly for selling their products. You make money either by sellings the products which you brought from them at discount or through the sales commission of your downline i.e. those who register under you.

Is MLM Legal or is it a Fraud??

Now you might be thinking that nothing is wrong in it and that you should have say 'Yes' to your friends. Well, its true that MLM per se is legal but because most MLM companies follows an illegal 'pyramid scheme' of business so you should be careful. Let me explain you what a 'pyramid scheme' is. Suppose if in a company those at the top/above mostly makes money through the registration of new members then such type of company is said to a 'pyramid scheme'. But then again, in your friends company people are getting profits too from selling the products, hence it is not pyramid scheme?? Sorry you can't say for sure that it is not, one way to differentiates is by checking if peoples/ your friend are making more money from the profit by selling the product or from the sales commission of downline. Its really hard to find out that because normally such companies don't show their actual earning, hence its better for you to avoid that.

Why so many MLM at times of pandemic period?

Still then many of your friends are joining them and beside this days many more similar companies are coming to your place. You might consider that at least some must be true and that you should join one. Well, the truth is this days many such companies are coming to your place because situation like this is perfect condition for such company to venture into new places. Let me explain you why: due to COVID lockdown most of us lost our jobs and left for home. And since we left our jobs and as there is no economic activities going on in our place, we are all in desperate need of money. So when we really need money and those company are offering us side income, it becomes very hard for us to say no to them. In situation like this, the 'Fear Of Missing Out' and regretting later is very strong for us and we tends to make  wrong decision. In this way those companies make use of our weakness and entice us to join them. Moreover, new MLM are coming up during this pandemic because those creator wants to make quick money. So lets find out why you shouldn't join an MLM

Why you shouldn't join a MLM?
Firstly, because a majority of MLM are fraud. As mentioned earlier, it is really hard to differentiate between a genuine MLM and a pyramid scheme. And moreover you should not join them just because a celebrity or intellectual are part of the companies.
Secondly, most people don't gain profit by joining them. Research shows that 99.9% of those who join don't make enough money and instead they loss their money. Only some few top who join in the early stages get profitted from the business. Consider this and where do you stand if you join now?
Thirdly, most of their products are either fraud or are overpriced compare to others stores. Don't be fooled by listening to some few claims of improvement or cure as they are not regulated like those of drugs. Often such companies shares fake results to bring new people to their companies. Moreover their products are mostly costlier than those which you can get from the store say amazon or Bazaar.
Fourthly, their ideas are based on a false thinking. They assume that there is an unlimited numbers of people who will join their business which is absolutely false. For example suppose if you has to recruit 5 downline then the entire world will run out of people before 15th round. Also you will soon run out buyers for selling your compulsory monthly/periodic stocks and be compels to stockpile yourself or force to sell to your close circle.
Fifthly, you risk damaging your relationship with friends and family. If they didn't accept to buy your product or you push too hard, then there will be a crack in your relationship. They may want to avoid you or you will be force to try to persuade them to buy whenever you meet them. This way your relationship will become more like a sellers and buyers and soon you may falls apart from each other.
Lastly, there are many other ways to make money genuinely like blogging, vloggin, online tutoring, freelancing, crafting etc.. Personally am looking forwards to learn how to create a better blog, gain more visitors and earn money through Google Adsense.

So finally, be more careful when something appears too 'Good to be True' and before making any choice be sure to Google it. Also learn how to politely say 'No' to an invitation of joining an MLM. Most importantly spread awareness if you came accross anything worthwhile sharing.

Notes: Here's a funny informative (Video) take on MLM by John Oliver click here


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