
Showing posts from March, 2014


                                      "A CALL TO SAFE OUR WILDLIFE"                                                            ( in context to MAO-NAGA Community) Its so sad and irony to see that we so call STUDENT/EDUCATED still go for hunting or shooting Birds with all the knowledge we have <<B.A,B.SC,MBBS,B.TECH,M.A,M.SW,PH.D...ETC>> .. We've been taught to conserve our wildlife since our high school but even after graduation takes PRIDE that we kill a Bird... here i would like to put up Question: 1 what do we gain from killing tat small bird?? do the meat of that birds suffice you your meal?? i'l say not so. how can that bird of some 10s gram gave you a feast. some would say because its tastier than those domesticated pets.. can't we sacrifice tat tasty and save a life of it.. 2 What is our Knowledge if we can't practice it?? You maybe doing Master in whatever Field but what is it of used when we can't put to practice.. Spending