( in context to MAO-NAGA Community)
Its so sad and irony to see that we so call STUDENT/EDUCATED still go for hunting or shooting Birds with all the knowledge we have <<B.A,B.SC,MBBS,B.TECH,M.A,M.SW,PH.D...ETC>> .. We've been taught to conserve our wildlife since our high school but even after graduation takes PRIDE that we kill a Bird...
here i would like to put up Question:
1 what do we gain from killing tat small bird?? do the meat of that birds suffice you your meal?? i'l say not so. how can that bird of some 10s gram gave you a feast. some would say because its tastier than those domesticated pets.. can't we sacrifice tat tasty and save a life of it..
2 What is our Knowledge if we can't practice it?? You maybe doing Master in whatever Field but what is it of used when we can't put to practice.. Spending a huge resources for studies and at last no FRUIT(4get money you earn, we study not to accumulate huge sum of MONEY)..
3 Are we still primitive?? its not a surprise when ask why YOU go for hunting we would get reply like "BECAUSE OUR FOREFATHER DID SO/ its our CUSTOM" lets understand our forefather condition and why they go hunting.. they have lots of wild animals,less mode of entertainment.. with all the comfort of today and sufficient foods.. why do we still kill animals??
4 Do you find joys in Hurting a LIFE?? certainly most of us would go for hunting cos we think its FUN.. do it really give us fun and joy in killing?? never!!! it takes our energy, time and we also got hurt from thorns.. Instead would it not be better if we go help out some needy or go out for exercising/playing games.. A CHILD KILLS A BIRDS FOR FUN BUT THE BIRDS DIE IN PAIN.
Lets rethink again and reason together to save our few wildlife.. TODAY's never late to START but TOMORROW maybe too LATE.. Forgets how many you and i have kill or destroy yesterday but lets takes a decision and start Creating Awareness to our Younger ones and uneducated elders about important of our Wildlife... Lets uphold and preserve our wildlife... Lets appreciates,love and protect the beauty of our Beautiful Homeland...
(photo: the beauty of Mao Manipur)

( in context to MAO-NAGA Community)

here i would like to put up Question:
1 what do we gain from killing tat small bird?? do the meat of that birds suffice you your meal?? i'l say not so. how can that bird of some 10s gram gave you a feast. some would say because its tastier than those domesticated pets.. can't we sacrifice tat tasty and save a life of it..
2 What is our Knowledge if we can't practice it?? You maybe doing Master in whatever Field but what is it of used when we can't put to practice.. Spending a huge resources for studies and at last no FRUIT(4get money you earn, we study not to accumulate huge sum of MONEY)..

4 Do you find joys in Hurting a LIFE?? certainly most of us would go for hunting cos we think its FUN.. do it really give us fun and joy in killing?? never!!! it takes our energy, time and we also got hurt from thorns.. Instead would it not be better if we go help out some needy or go out for exercising/playing games.. A CHILD KILLS A BIRDS FOR FUN BUT THE BIRDS DIE IN PAIN.
Lets rethink again and reason together to save our few wildlife.. TODAY's never late to START but TOMORROW maybe too LATE.. Forgets how many you and i have kill or destroy yesterday but lets takes a decision and start Creating Awareness to our Younger ones and uneducated elders about important of our Wildlife... Lets uphold and preserve our wildlife... Lets appreciates,love and protect the beauty of our Beautiful Homeland...
(photo: the beauty of Mao Manipur)

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