Lesson Kane learn when he was replace by a junior as a Group Leader

It was a bright Sunday morning, the third Sunday of the year. Dress in his Christmas suit (the best he have in the closet). After looking through the mirror over again and again 'Kane' hurried towards the Church just to reach in time 5 minutes before the service begins. The Church compound was filled with young boys and girls playing and running around. Some elders standby basking in the warm sunlight. Just a minutes or two before the church service begins Sundays school teachers arrange boys and girls into two lines and lead them to the Church...

And then the service begins  prayer, songs, offertory, Bible reading followed by long message from the Preachers. Children's unable to bears the long message started the usual chatting and moving out of Church for needs and play in the Church compound.. Some elders also took to enjoying basking in the Sun relentlessly discussing about politics and ongoing headlines.

Finally the message was over and time for announcement came,the announcer wittily caught the attention of children's and they all came to a pin drop silence. He began announcing the lengthy Church business reports and the upcoming events and programs. Finally to the excitement and cheers of the children's he announce " Today during the Sunday schools class there will be enrollment and new group division. And every children's studying in Highschool are compulsory to be present for today Sunday school class"..

Fill with the excitement and joy for the new group division Kane came for the Sunday school class. The children got themselves enrolled and are place in order of the class they are in. Each person is allocated a number 1,2,3 & 4 except those in class 10. Then they ask the children to settle in group according to the number they are allocated. After hassle and confusion they finally settle in group according to their numbers.

One of the teachers calls all they class 10 students to come to the stages. Kane too came up to the stages and both boy's and girls are made to pick up a folded piece of paper written 1,2,3 & 4. They all pick up and Kane pick up number 1. The teacher made them Group Leader (as it was the custom for class 10 as group leader) except for Kane. The teacher calls up another boy from group number 1 who was studying in class 9 and made him  the Group Leader instead of Kane and he was allocated to that group..

Filled with tears in his eyes, face turn red and head bowed unable to face people he join in the group formation. The teachers then gives instructions and name the group as Mathew,Mark,Luke and John accordingly.. After the class was over he went head straight home without speaking to anyone and cried and cried.. Later at night he narrated the event to his family...

Later in life reclining on his chair Kane recalled the fateful day and analyse the events.. He came down with the following point:
1 To be fair and ensure justice to everyone 
2 To give the best in the responsibilities entrusted to him whatsoever big or small it maybe.
3 To love those who are oppressed and mistreated by others.
4 To respect and treat everyone equally and accept other Leadership.


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