If you only feel the way i feel

Am being intoxicated and drugged for better or worse.
Though they say the path is steep and tough.
Am being dragged to follow and go for it.
My chances of success be a 0.001 percent.
Conviction drive me far beyond the finishing line.
Dreaming and thinking of making it all day long.
Tons of facts to remember and bundles of books to cover.
Bountiful of sources to confused and sway away.
Internet, Newspaper, books,magazine and notes.
Handwriting and presentation I have to work on.
Personal grooming to present myself in best way.
Information I had to gather and be informed daily.
But most of all develop myself to serve the best way.
Lots to be done and lots to improve and worked upon.
Days are few yet lots to be accomplish through it
A task which may cause me to breakdown physically.
But my spirit causes me to response to that calling.
A call for giving my best to people whom I would serve.
If you only could feel the same way how I feel
You will only understand why I choose these path.


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