Conservative Me??

Stuck between conservative and liberal????

I believe in the conservation of traditional values.The benefits of modernization with traditional values.If I had to let go of my ancestors values.My identity of belongingness and of a person is lost. The values which my ancestors are willing to die for, How could I just gave up and replace with something new. Call me a feeble, orthodox and what not, I'll sure take it as a pinch of salt.

I still wish for those values which are hold so dear.The level of commitment a spouse has. The belief that not everything can be bought with money and that not everything which is costly is good. Am not a saint preaching austerity but am just being real. In world where knowledge is power and given utmost importance, I long for that wisdom of old man that is nurture and gain through experience and worth more than knowledge.

I long for unity and equality of all men. When selfishness overtake that human mind, I believe it's worth more giving than receiving. I love that quality time spend with loved one and believe that family that eat together stays together. In age where father comes home late from work and child is asleep before he came, I crave for that dinner round together as family

In world where you can have 100s and 1000s friends online,I long for that few circle of friends. A close knitted group, more of a family than a peer whether in sunshine or storm brave together as one.
I'll miss the days when Church was a Church and where everyone is treated equally. When there is no special place for anyone, a place where the brokenheart can without a shame cry out and feel the devine presence. Am just another broken soul and I long for that place.

That level of sincerity and honesty of the bygone generation, I truly admire and treasure those. In this world where honesty is replace with diplomacy, when bare truth hurt and turn people away from it, I still be loving that simple plain truth. Gone were the days when people hardly lock their house. I despite our time even with several layer of lock and security, people would break into someones house.

Am not closed nor trying to get myself distance from crowd and people. But all I want is to enjoy the benefits of today worlds with traditional values of kindness, sincerity, honesty and love.


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