Tears for democracy

You who set the ideals so high, how could we ever live up to it. You who seeks to give voice to the voiceless what has befallen thee. Your children cry out in the street only to be quell with force. You who seeks equality for all her children, what has gotten of you now. Pity now your children, they are weight according to their weight. You who seek fraternity to be a model of living, what has caught you off grid. 

Your children rise up against each other over pity matters. You who promise freedom of belief, what has become of you today. Your children are been discriminated and treated based on their beliefs. You who seeks to instill tolerance, what have you done to achieve it. You have fails thy children and has taken to subdue any difference.

I wept for you oh Democracy, and i shed my tears for your children. For when your children raise up to demand what you promise to give, they are but label the aggressor. Our days are getting darker and we need you to be at our side at this critical moment. You are our only hope and the one we look up to, please don't fail and abandon us. I hope you'll soon regain your strength once again and fulfill what you have promise. Am not all lose that you are dead and cannot be strong once again, I just hope to see you soon in full spirit. Then i'll shade my tears of joys for you.


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