When my time come to leave

"You came as a surprise but you have a choice to leave prepared". Since falling sick in February, I haven't been quite fully well for a week or so till date with one health issues after another. This has quite let me to ponder what death is and has been trying to figure out my view or rather my wish on death.

If my memories serve me right, it was during my 12 standard that I share to my parents and better half (of that time) that when I die I don't want them or anyone to cry for me. I don't remember what actually inspires me to take that view but I still subscribe myself to it. I am of the view that we should be grateful for the opportunity to have pass this life together through thick and thin. The love and cares we bestowed, the times we disagree and fight, and the moment of laughter and cries we share together are anything but a gift of life. 

I find resonant in the recent viral video of an African group who march and dance carrying coffin of death person. My wish though similar in approach was drawn from the almost forgotten practice of Mao ancestors culture with a mordern twist. In earlier days on the day of burial, the deceased person family would kill their livestock and offer feast to those who came for paying homage to the departed. Not only that but closely related family will be given meat for taking home and also a close kin will be given a spade. This unseemingly practice has been forgotten with the arrival of Christianity and now burial ceremony are taken over by respective Church practice. Though this practice offer an alternative view to way death of a person is view, it is not without faults. Like that of marriage this could put an undue monetary pressure on the poor given the economic divide we see in our present society as compared to those days.

My wish for passing away be anything except weep for me. A moment of prayer and recollection, I won't mind. As for the way of burial I don't have any personal choice in any regards. As for my body whatever organs of use, be taken out and given to those in needs of transplant. It's been long I planned to register myself for organ donation and yes when this pandemic is over I will take the step towards it. 

The reason I  don't want another person to cry on my death body is because no good things comes out of crying over the dead bodies. Rather the living person should instead have a story to tell and fulfill those unfulfilled dreams of the dead. For this reason I am rather pragmatic when people commemorate the death of their dear ones especially that of our freedom fighters. This has rather become a way of paying lip service and getting that feeling you did your part while avoiding the real responsibility. A good case is of Mahatma Gandhi, among many he preached and practice Ahimsa and truth in his life. Though everyone of us commemorate his birthday and death every year, how far has we been practicing what he stood and live his life for? 

As Bhagat Singh aptly put: "By crushing individual, they cannot kill ideas", we need to realise what really is worth. Am not gonna lie but who can hold their tear when their near one pass away. But the point here is that we must not forget the ideas and values they stand for. Yes, now we or our near and dear ones may not die for standing up for their ideas but that if we really care about them, we must continue to carry out the ideas and values dear to them.

I hope and pray that you & your dear ones live a long fruitful life. Let's not grow wary in that death will pass over us but rejoice in the present and lead a purposeful life. May you never forget that your are made of star particles and stars are born to shine.


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