Beauty of ending

"At what time am reaching there?"- a question I always ask when am in the journey. A matter of fact like anybody, I certainly want to go to new place but journey has always been a huge hurdle for me. And thanks to Google map I always took my turn looking into my phone to check the expected time to reach my destination and get  relived when my journey ends.
Quite like the journey, in life too we traveled from one phase to different destination. Take the case of two people in love, first they are a total stranger to each other and then they became familiar with each other either as classmates, colleagues, friends friends etc... Later on they started to move on to friendship then fall in love. Though been lover's is not the final destination, a happy couple or maybe divorce or as in most case became strangers with memories.

A person if he/she began like and  love a friend, usually wants to move from just friends status to in relationship and likewise lover's may want to become couple at the earliest. However in the case of toxic relationship and marriage the person may want to quit the status qou at the earliest. A matter of fact we have been quite accustomed to progression from something good to better say from friends to lover's, most of the time that we often fail to understand the joy of ending as in divorce and breakup.

And what could be the ultimate stage of our life than been death. And as expected most people find it hard and scare even to think of it and left unprepared. Uncountable case of property dispute has been a tastement of this unpreparedness. Even in most case of no return like persistent vegetative state and incurable cancer, the dear ones of the patient tries the very best to keep the person alive. Not advocating one should abandon and not seeks medical help but in such case, we often fail to put ourselves into that of patients and think only for our goods. Our emotional needs, sense of responsibility and the vaccum we are about to see often dominate the reality and the magnitude of the other ends.

This inability to comprehend the beauty of ending could be attributed to bonding and investment we had build overtime. A finding of my partially failed research on 3rd party logistics point to a similar pictures "the party though their relationship is creating loss in their business is reluctant to give up for another viable option". Though there can be many other reason to this but fundamentally it is the extension of individuals thoughts to the cooperation we build. What we often fail to see in such situation is the real cost of continuing in that relationship and the prospect of losing out in not going for another option. We often tends to focus more on the cost we had already invested, be it time, money, emotions and what not and are concern they will vanish in thin air.

A rational move in this would be as they say an unbiased third person perspective and follow it up. Though we had has incured certain cost, the future cost could be much higher. We need to broaden our view of ending in that, there is not only loss in ending one particular things but also that continuing has a larger cost. As in the case assisted suicide and removal of life support we need to be open minded and weight in both the side of argument in the case. On a personal choice I would certainly prefer to undergo assisted suicide or removal of life support if I had to be in such state. The right to life under article 21 can be broaden to give a more humanly treatment of those in such needs. 

And as the rule of thumb "Nothing is permanent but change" we must be more willing to always adopt to change. An ending of one doesn't necessarily means its gone forever instead it is a change of form. Like the ending of a star gives rise to spreading of various elements into space which colassce to form planets giving rise to our very life here on earth. One must not view ending as the stop but a beginning into new phase of possibilities and embrace it. 

Finally as a saying goes "Everything is beautiful because it has an ending" let's learn to treasure and value everything all the while it exist, be it a person, relationship, pets and anything.


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