A perfect round Chapatti

"So you eat Chapatti in your home?"- a surprised classmates asked. While I use to like Chapatti, it was during this lockdown that I develop satisfaction and rather become addicted to making perfect round Chapatti. So ladies and gentlemen  here's my recipe for a perfect round Chapatti.
Take a cup of coarse flours (atta), half cup of fine flours (Mieda) and add either salt or sugar to the taste. Mixed it well and pour in the right quantity of water and stir it. Avoid pouring in large amount of water, if you aren't sure instead add little by little. Apply some oil on your hand and knead the mixture thoroughly over and over again till it become soft and show some elasticity.

Spread some flour on a flat surface, take out a bit of dough and flatten it using cicular rolls. While flattening the dough ensure a medium equal pressure on both ends of the rollers. This will ensure the evenly spread out and thinning of chapatti. While flattening the dough, I usually prefer rotate it so that the chapatti are thin out evenly and retain that perfect round shape.

Next put a pan on the stove and heat it using medium flames. Once the pan is heated enough put the flatten chapatti on it and with a clean piece of clothes apply pressure intermittently. Once the chapatti started to shows small puffin, change the side and continue applying pressure intermittently. By applying pressure the various parts of chapatti are heated evenly and create a favourable conditions for huge puffing. If you prefer a crispier chapatti increase the frequency of changing the side over shorter duration of time. This will allowed maximum dessipation of moisture from the chapatti and avoid over burning leading to crispy chapatti.

When your chapatti is cooked, takes it out using a forks to avoid getting your hand burn from the steam. Place the chapatti in a bowl and cover it with a lid to prevent moisture from escaping and that your chapatti retain its warm and softness. And Voila ! Here you have your perfect round Chapatti ready to pair with your favourite dish. A personal choice of mine would be spicy fried potatoes with scramble eggs.

And while we enjoyed our perfect round Chapatti lets be grateful for  the meal while keeping in mind the plight of those who goes to sleep hungry and be worried whether they will get their next meal or not. And gentlemen let's continue to cook even after this pandemic is over and not relegate household work to our gentle ladies.

Finally, ladies and gentlemen thank you for sparing your valuable time in  reading this. And when this pandemic is over come over and I'll be happy to make you a perfect round Chapatti.


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