Human Cloning: How do you define yourself?

Imagine there is a exact replica of you in aspect of heights, size, IQ, same face structure, same thought capacity and let's say he/she has the same opportunities of what you got. How would you like to differentiate yourself from that person??

Given the advancement of Biotechnology and genetics and also to some extent Artificial Intelligence and Robotics it's not far we can expect it soon. By the way who knows some may even have walk among us. This point to a very fundamental idea and question which have been a hot topics since human kind existed, "How do you define yourself from other?"

The question though appears to be objective, it is subjective in nature. How hard one may try to generalise the question and gave a standard answer like in any of standard test, the answer is always incomplete. You may say, I agree and subscribe to his/her answer but if you dig further into yourself you will find its not at all what you really define yourself to be. Everyone has his/own her way of finding the answer and that's answer is always right given the subjective nature of question.

One of most popular belief and many of you might subscribe to, is "Uniqueness". How would you like to assert your uniqueness??  Uniqueness of individual in Uniqueness of a ideology, Uniqueness of a brand, Uniqueness of a Religion and what not... Everything is unique, if you can go into the minuteness of details. Often than not the very  purpose for existence of something is define by the unique role it play out in the system. Questions arises how come despite the subjective term "Uniqueness" be an answer to one of most important question (what is the purpose of life) mankind has been seeking an answer of ?? It would be futile of me to describe and attempt to answer it here.

Uniqueness is and will continue on to be subjective. And everyone either individual and groups will continue to assert their uniqueness as much as they can. This quest often leading to unnecessary clashes and fight over who is the original. The quest has further manifested itself in the exponential rise in extreme nationalism and neglect of universal human value.

Given the infinite number of factors involved and the infinite combination we can made, we could take the goodness of everything and magnify it to the best of our capacity. Afterall as by our first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru said "Unity in Diversity" we can rejoice in the common and relenquish the uniqueness of individual.

P.S: I actually come across human cloning as read through previous papers of UPSC and it make me write this.. Rereading after a week and I realized how vague am at giving views..


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