Would you?

Would you mind if I hold your hand.
Would you be free and still.
Or would you feel disgusted.
Oh! I just wanna hold your hand.

Would you mind if we walk together.
Would you be happy and cheerful.
Or would you feel dejected.
Oh! just wanna strolled along you.

Would you mind if I fall for you.
Would you be joyful and glad.
Or would you be sad and gloomy.
Oh! Can't help myself from not falling.

Would you mind if I took your breath away.
Would you still be okay and fine.
Or Would you be saffocated.
Oh!how I long for you to take mine away.

Would you mind if I ask you to sing.
Would you sing a song for me.
Or Would you be shy away.
Oh!.your melodious voice has woo me.

Would you mind if we ate together.
Would you feed me with your hand.
Or Would you ask for two plates.
Oh! I wish to feed you with my hand.

Would you mind if I ask you to dance.
Would you dance along with me..
Or Would you prefer to sit and stay.
Oh! How I aspire to move along with you.

Would you mind if ask you to stay.
Would you hold my hand forever.
Or Would you walk out of my life.
Oh! I wish we are forever one.

How I long to be with you.
How I aspire to be part of you.
Forever and for always a man,
You Would feel safe and belong..


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