My one sided love story

Hey there, I don't know where to begin, maybe I'll start this way. That day we met I felt it so surreal to be true. Though we haven't spoken a words a long time and we haven't yet met, I felt like I have known you so much more. When you extended your hand for wishing, I never wanted to let it go away wishing to hold it forever. Am so drawn by your beauty, those pimples and scars make me fall so much for you. You not knowing, I took a sniff at your hair and love it instantly.
Words can't describe how I truly felt now, it makes me sleepless wanting to go on the night. Wishing that at any point of time you call me and say meet me there now. I just wish to spent my life with you.. Truly dying to hear you say I love you. Tell me how long i need to wait I'll wait for it. Just let me know we will meet someday. Am just madly in love with you, even if it's one sided love story. Tell me how I could convince you that I truly love you from the core of my heart and how I long just to hear from you.


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