Religion as a force for social stability: A sociological perspective

Religion is universal and in almost every human society a forms of religion exists. Human action throughout history has been influenced to a large extend by the religious values and ethics. Despite the emergence of various alternative such as Secularism, Atheism and the codification of justice system, human action are continually guided by his/her religious belief either consciously or unconsciously. Also noted must be made that, despite the decrease in footfalls of large organised religion, religion continue to have huge impact on individuals. Moreover, currently there has been a substantial rise of unorganised informal religion whose members are drawn from large congregation, who can be more particularly devoted towards a certain religious dogma. Thus, it became relevant and important to analyse the impact of religion with respect to social stability.

To begin with religion help strengthen social stability by giving a meaning and purpose to our human existence. Though the purpose can varies across different religion, the sense of purpose in life to great extend direct an individual towards a certain direction. Talcott Parsons argue that religion makes sense of all experiences, though they can be meaningless and contradictory at times. He argue that through religion individuals finds meaning in suffering and endure them gracefully. Also we must not forget  individuals who abandon normal life to becomes Priest, Nun, Guru as the purpose of their life. No wonders many find inspiration and purpose from the scripture and has works wonders e.g. likes of Mother Theresa, Swami Vivekananda, Martin King Junior. Thus religion in a way by attributing meaning and purpose, gave a means of escape from what R.K Merton would describes as a “Retreatist” reaction.

Secondly, Religion helps in maintaining social stability by establishing norms such as ‘Guidelines for Conduct’. Take for examples we have ‘The Ten Commandments’ of Christianity and Judaism, ‘Anuvratas’ of Jainism, Sikh Reht Maryada etc. which encourage and prohibits certain action. Through the establishment of shared values and moral consensus, religion bring about social order, social control, social solidarity and cooperation in society. Various teaching of religion such as ‘Humility, Forgiveness, Ahimsa, Non-Violence etc.’ and warning against ‘greed’, plays a huge roles in maintaining stability in the society. It is well-known all over the worlds about the ‘selflessness’ of Sikhs Community, either in normal times or in times of crisis such as the present Covid Pandemic. Thus, Talcott Parson rightly argue that religion helps in maintaining social order and stability.

Thirdly, religion by establishing ‘Rules of social relationship’ helps in furthering social stability. Take for one most religion consider sexual intercourse as a ‘sin’ until it is sanctified by the rituals of marriage, which in a way establish rules of inheritance. Though we are all citizen of India, marriage and inheritance are determine by different laws such as ‘The Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Muslim Personal Law 1937, Indian Christian Marriage Act 1872 etc.’ Religion in a way also establish social relationship either directly or through the examples of characters in scripture, for examples 4th commandment of ‘Ten Commandment’ commanded children to respect the parents. Another examples includes that of ‘Ekalavya’ respect and willing to submit to his teachers even to the extent of cutting of his fingers as an offering. The ‘Vedas’ also spokes of different Varna as different part of God which serve their own specific purpose and function together in unity, this in a way establish an early forms of ‘Division of Labour’. Thus, religion in a way by establishing and defining the roles of an individual helps strengthen social stability.

Fourthly, religion helps in strengthening social stability through been a tools for ‘Crisis Management’. Durkheim noted that the prevalence of ‘Suicide’ among ‘Catholic’ is lower than those of ‘Protestant’ because Catholics are generally more devoted, attend prayer regularly and also because for them ‘suicide’ is consider a ‘Mortal Sin’ which would lead to eternal damnation and separation from God. One can’t help but appreciate the counselling nature of ‘prayer’ in times of crisis and helplessness whether one believe in God or not. Religion through the teaching of ‘Life after death’ provide a means to bear and endure suffering faithfully and gracefully so that they will be rewarded in life after. Bhagat Singh though an Atheist in his “Why I am an Atheist”, admitted that it would deal a great comfort if he belief in Afterlife. Further, Malinowski also noted that in all societies there is a religious rituals for every emotional crisis such as birth, puberty, marriages and death. 

Fifthly, in every religion there are certain groups of individuals (Saint, Preachers, Bodhisattva, Guru, and Prophet etc.) who are venerated and held with high esteems for their virtues. For examples, Saint ‘Mother Teresa’, is a well-known figurehead of modern times for saying yes to her calling and dedicating her life working for the destitute and poor in the slums of Kolkata. This reference group is often not restricted to a particular religion alone for example severals ‘Sufi’ and ‘Bhakti’ saint are revered by Hindu, Muslim and Sikh alike. Religion thus set and establish a certain ‘Reference Group’ of Robert Merton, for an individual to compare themselves and aspire to becomes like them. Thus in this way religion by setting a measuring reference and roles models for individuals to follows help in strengthening social stability.

Sixthly, religion helps in dealing with uncertainty through the provision of leaving it to divine plans or through the notion of divine intervention. The scripture are loaded with many examples of how in times of uncertainty and doubts a certain divine intervention occurs and helps the character glides over the situation. For examples, 'Joseph' of the Bible through the interpretation of the ‘Pharaoh Dream’ helps prepare for the coming years of drought or at the start of ‘Dharma Yudha’ a confused Prince ‘Arjuna’ is consoled by ‘Krishna’ an avatar of ‘Lord Vishnu’ and helps him realized that this is a righteous war and it is his ‘Karma or duty to fight ‘evils’. Uncertain situation likes in ‘predicting and controlling the future weather or what comes after death’, religion has a rituals to such situation. Thus, Parson argues in our life surrounded by uncertainty, religion with its various rituals act a ‘Tonic to self-confidence’ and provides a means of adjusting and coming to terms with uncertainty.

Lastly, religion gave a social identity and a sense of belongingness to an individual, which help him/her thrive. By providing a sense of belongingness, it enlarge the social awareness and responsibility of an individual’s towards the society at large and helps in establishing solidarity in times of crisis. It’s a fact that two total strangers can find solace and sense of brotherhood despite meeting for the first time when they found out that they share the same religion. Also, it’s a well-known fact that ‘Unity is strength’ and history has enough proof of how empire and society falls when disunity and mistrust occurs among its population. G.S Ghurye also argue that in order to bring about unity in India ‘Religion and Language’ should be the driving force. Thus, one can argue religion by giving a sense of belongingness helps strengthen the trust between individuals and helps strengthen social stability.

In conclusion, Religion as any social institution can be a double edge swords and could also bring about unwanted consequence. We must be diligent and careful so that religion does not becomes a tools to bring about disunity and disturbance in the society. For example, the ‘social identity and sense of belongingness has often been misuse by religious fundamentalist to foster an “Us vs Them” attitude leading to instability and mistrust in the society. Furthermore, there has been several instance where religion acts as a force and a spark for destabilizing social unity leading to revolution and changes in structure of society. Thus, like any institution we should always try to rethink, re-evaluate and reform our religious institution so that it brings and adds values to our society.


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