
Showing posts from December, 2020

Gratitude: lesson from nature

"High Man", a nickname friends gave me for my often uncontrollable rage. Anger management has always been the weakest part of me. At times I would rehearsed again and again certain situation where my anger often go out of control, planning how I would react to in such situations. Yet it always happen that i hit the rock bottom when presented with real situation and this seems to go nowhere. Read books and articles on anger management yet those are but an intellectual reading and particallity a far reach. Not that they are bad but the suggestion and tips don't seems to drive home with my inner self. Has even collected Bible verse and story to remind myself to not give in to anger but it didn't help. Fasted and prayed a dozen times, requested others to remember me in theirs too. All but a failure and here I am that same old with unpredictable sudden burst of angers. During the pandemic and the confinement within closed walls that came along has given opportunity like ne