Kiss me to rest

You are inevitable and inescapable. Yet you come softly and left to burn in, the heart of those who hold close to. Inevitable yet everyone left unprepared. Come find me as I am here to face thee, For what is life if I had to live like this. Throw me stones I'd build bridges. Lash me with woods I'd build a house, But this am sorry I had to let it pass. For what is life if all I have is suffering. Am not timid nor am I feeble but this, A part for today and tomorrow another. 

Come as you are Dear Miss Death. Freed me of this bondage with your kiss, I choose you over this knowing fully well. That I'd miss the morning sun-rays. That I leave behind me those yearning dreams, that I failed my parents and my loved one. 

Kiss me fast and  laid me to rest forever.


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