Let me share with you a secret I behold for long: In world where hates abounds and loves is scare, where discouragement comes in multiple and encouragement a rarity.. Where kindness is but a clothes worn by few... I love and like disappointment.. Well most or say all people including myself find it hard when face with disappointment. When their love one ignored them, when their expectations are not met, when their parent argue with them, when friends neglect and ignore them or their request and when they fails. A quote thus run "expectations brings about disappointment". Many a times I try to not expect anything reminding myself of it but I was wrong as human I am born with intelligence and presence of mind. How can I not expect something good when I gave my best?? How can I not expect and want life to be free and fair?? As I struggle to keep my expectations at lowest level, I fail miserably. The more I try to concedes myself the more the urge to expect.. Balancing of expect...