For Miss Honika
This post is meant for you and only you : What have you done to me, What spell have you cast on me, I could go on an age without thinking of you, I could just forgo that I even met you once I can be happy in my own world without you I could be anything without you in my life. What have you done to me, What spell have you cast on me, That I could recognize your voice at once That our little talks could set dreams in me And bring memories vividly alive in my mind That I could forget my present state. What have you done to me, What spell have you cast on me, That despite all the heartbreak and pains I would be wanting to experience more of it. In this life throughout and there after. And keep me awaiting for our next little talks. #little_stories #after_years #breakup #some_memories_that_hit_you_hard #